Dr.-Ing. Florian Pape

Dr.-Ing. Florian Pape
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
Dr.-Ing. Florian Pape
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen


Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 50 von 108

Coors, T, Pape, F & Poll, G 2020, Concept for enhancing machine elements by residual stresses and tailored forming. in Proceedings - 26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, IAMOT 2017. 26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, IAMOT 2017, International Association for Management of Technology Conference (IAMOT) and the Graduate School of Technology Management, University of Pretoria, S. 1792-1802, 26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, IAMOT 2017, Vienna, Österreich, 14 Mai 2017.
Coors, T, Saure, F, Mildebrath, M, Pape, F, Hassel, T & Poll, G 2020, Herstellung von Großwälzlagern durch Stahl-Stahl-Werkstoffsysteme: Conference: 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover .
Coors, T, Mildebrath, M, Büdenbender, C, Saure, F, Faqiri, MY, Kahra, C, Prasanthan, V, Chugreeva, A, Matthias, T, Budde, L, Pape, F, Nürnberger, F, Hassel, T, Hermsdorf, J, Overmeyer, L, Breidenstein, B, Denkena, B, Behrens, BA, Maier, HJ & Poll, G 2020, 'Investigations on tailored forming of aisi 52100 as rolling bearing raceway', Metals, Jg. 10, Nr. 10, 1363, S. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/met10101363
Coors, T, Mildebrath, M, Pape, F, Hassel, T, Maier, HJ & Poll, G 2020, Manufacturing of Large-Diameter Rolling Element Bearings by Steel-Steel Multimaterial Systems. in JM Beswick (Hrsg.), Bearing Steel Technologies: 12th Volume, Progress in Bearing Steel Metallurgical Testing and Quality Assurance. ASTM Special Technical Publication, Bd. STP 1623, ASTM International, S. 277-299, 12th International Symposium on Rolling Bearing Steels, USA / Vereinigte Staaten, 15 Mai 2019. https://doi.org/10.1520/STP162320190064
Coors, T, Pape, F, Kruse, J, Blohm, T, Beermann, R, Quentin, L, Herbst, S, Langner, J, Stonis, M, Kästner, M, Reithmeier, E, Nürnberger, F & Poll, G 2020, 'Simulation assisted process chain design for the manufacturing of bulk hybrid shafts with tailored properties', International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Jg. 108, Nr. 7-8, S. 2409-2417. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-020-05532-2
Coors, T, Pape, F & Poll, G 2020, Untersuchungen zur Festigkeit von komplex beanspruchten Multimaterialsystemen am Beispiel von Wälzkontaktermüdung. in 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover . S. 134.
Kruse, J, Mildebrath, M, Budde, L, Coors, T, Faqiri, MY, Barroi, A, Stonis, M, Hassel, T, Pape, F, Lammers, M, Hermsdorf, J, Kaierle, S, Overmeyer, L & Poll, G 2020, 'Numerical simulation and experimental validation of the cladding material distribution of hybrid semi-finished products produced by deposition welding and cross-wedge rolling', Metals, Jg. 10, Nr. 10, 1336, S. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/met10101336
Mallach, D, Pape, F, Lipinsky, D & Arlinghaus, HF 2020, 'ToF-SIMS analysis of boundary layers formed under zinc-free antiwear', Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Jg. 72, Nr. 8, S. 1013-1017. https://doi.org/10.1108/ilt-10-2019-0436
Matthias, T, Heimes, N, Pape, F & Behrens, B-A 2020, Determination of the flow behavior of the joining zones of hybrid semi-finished products by means of nanoindentation. Düsseldorf, Germany, Nanobruecken 2020, Nanomechanical Testing Conference & Bruker Hysitron User Meeting.
Pape, F, Coors, T & Poll, G 2020, 'Studies on the Influence of Residual Stresses on the Fatigue Life of Rolling Bearings in Dependence on the Production Processes', Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, Jg. 6, 56. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmech.2020.00056