Dr.-Ing. Florian Pape

Dr.-Ing. Florian Pape
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
Dr.-Ing. Florian Pape
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen


Showing results 11 - 20 out of 108

Pape, F 2024, 'Investigation of Graphene Platelet-Based Dry Lubricating Film Formation in Tribological Contacts', Coatings, vol. 14, no. 3, 360. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202312.1972.v1, https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings14030360, https://doi.org/10.15488/17656
Saure, F, Pape, F, Poll, G & Marian, M 2024, 'From Damage to Functionality: Remanufacturing of Thrust Roller Bearings by Tailored Forming', Advanced engineering materials. https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202401393
Behrens, B-A, Stockburger, E, Wester, H, Poll, G, Pape, F, Konopka, D & Heimes, N 2023, 'Investigation of the Hardness Development of Molybdenum Coatings under Thermal and Tribological Loading', Lubricants, vol. 11, no. 7, 283. https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants11070283
Bodewig, A, Pape, F & Poll, G 2023, 'Investigation on the Influence of Residual Stresses due to Cold Forming on Stainless Steel Bearings', 48th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Leeds, United Kingdom (UK), 5 Sept 2023 - 7 Sept 2023.
Budde, L, Biester, K, Coors, T, Faqiri, MY, Lammers, M, Hermsdorf, J, Hassel, T, Pape, F & Overmeyer, L 2023, 'Influence of shielding gas coverage during laser hot-wire cladding with high carbon steel', International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 127, no. 7-8, pp. 3195-3207. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-11350-z
Coors, T, Faqiri, Y, Saure, F, Pape, F, Hassel, T & Poll, G 2023, 'Wear of Tailored Forming Steels', Advanced engineering materials, vol. 25, no. 13, 2201740. https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202201740
Denkena, B, Bergmann, B, Keitel, M, Wege, C, Poll, G, Kelley, J & Pape, F 2023, 'Process strategies for milling of dimples on tapered roller bearings', Production Engineering, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 893–905. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11740-023-01208-4
Denkena, B, Liu, HC, Pape, F, Bergmann, B, Poll, G, Schenzel, J & Ellersiek, L 2023, 'Simulation of local contact conditions in the secondary shear zone in dry and wet metal cutting', Procedia CIRP, vol. 117, pp. 293-298. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2023.03.050
Konopka, D, Steppeler, T, Ottermann, R, Pape, F, Dencker, F, Poll, G & Wurz, M 2023, 'Advancements in monitoring of tribological stress in bearings using thin-film strain gauges', Paper presented at 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 3 Jul 2023 - 5 Jul 2023 pp. 1623-1634. https://doi.org/10.7712/150123.9934.443603
Liu, HC, Pape, F, Zhao, Y, Ellersiek, L, Denkena, B & Poll, G 2023, 'On the Elastohydrodynamic Film-Forming Properties of Metalworking Fluids and Oil-in-Water Emulsions', Tribology letters, vol. 71, no. 1, 10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11249-022-01684-2