Showing results 21 - 31 out of 31
Liu H, Bader NF, Brieke T, Terwey JT, Poll G. Investigation into the influence of temperature and contact geometry on traction. 2018. 45th Leeds-Lyon Symposium in Tribology 2018.
Liu H, Zhang B, Bader NF, Guo F, Yang P, Poll G. On the Crucial Role of Solid Body Temperature in EHL Traction. In Tagungsband 14. Arnold Tross Kolloquium. 2018
Bader N. Traction in EHL-Contacts - the influence of local fluid rheology and temperatures. Hannover, 2018. doi: 10.15488/4459
Bader N, Furtmann A, Tischmacher H, Poll G. Capacitances and lubricant film thicknesses of grease and oil lubricated bearings. 2017. Paper presented at 72nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, STLE 2017, Atlanta, United States.
Schwack F, Bader NF, Halmos F, Poll G. Grease performance in blade bearings for wind turbine applications: experimental results of scaled tests. 2017. Paper presented at 6th World Tribology Congress (WTC2017), China.
Prigge F, Schwack F, Bader NF, Poll G. Multi-scale modelling of minutely vibrating point-contacts. 2017. Paper presented at 2nd African Tribology Conference (ACT) 2017, Morocco.
Schwack F, Bader NF, Poll G, Halmos F, Helmedag S, Poll G. Selection of Lubricating Greases for Wind Turbine Pitch Bearings. 2017. Poster session presented at WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2017, Netherlands.
Schwack F, Byckov A, Bader N, Poll G. Time-dependent analyses of wear in oscillating bearing applications. 2017. Paper presented at 72nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, STLE 2017, Atlanta, United States.
Bader N, Wang D, Poll G. Traction and local temperatures measured in an elastohydrodynamic lubrication contact. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. 2017 Sept;231(9):1128-1139. doi: 10.1177/1350650117713358
Bader NF, Poll G. Traction in EHL Contacts based on local temperature measurements. 2017. Paper presented at 72nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, STLE 2017, Atlanta, United States.
Bader N, Wittek EC, Poll G. Tribological properties of fuel economy gearbox oils. In Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibition 2014. Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. 2014. p. 959-973. (Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibition 2014).