Showing results 81 - 100 out of 340
Bulut, D, Bader, NF & Poll, G 2021, 'Cavitation and film formation in hydrodynamically lubricated parallel sliders', Tribology international, vol. 162, 107113.
Bulut, D 2021, 'Cavitation and film formation in hydrodynamically lubricated parallel sliding contacts', Doctor of Engineering, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover.
Cugliari, J 2021, 'Investigation of Contact Mechanics and Friction of Rubber Compounds by Experimental Techniques and Numerical Simulations', Doctor of Engineering, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover.
Grajczak, J, Nowroth, C, Coors, T, Twiefel, J, Wallaschek, J, Saure, F, Pape, F, Poll, G, Nothdurft, S, Hermsdorf, J, Wesling, V & Kaierle, S 2021, 'Influence of process-related heat accumulation of laser beam welded 1.7035 round bars on weld pool shape and weld defects', Journal of laser applications, vol. 33, no. 4, 042007.
Heimes, N, Pape, F, Konopka, D, Schöler, S, Möhwald, K, Poll, G & Behrens, BA 2021, Investigation of the Scaling of Friction Coefficients from the Nano to the Micro Level for Base Materials and Coatings. in Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, vol. Part F1136, Springer Nature, pp. 161-170, 10th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP), Dresden, Germany, 23 Sept 2020.
Li, X, Guo, F, Poll, G, Fei, Y & Yang, P 2021, 'Grease film evolution in rolling elastohydrodynamic lubrication contacts', Friction, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 179-190.
Liu, H, Zhang, B, Bader, N, Venner, CH & Poll, G 2021, 'Scale and contact geometry effects on friction in thermal EHL: twin-disc versus ball-on-disc', Tribology International, vol. 154, 106694.
Liu, H, Zhang, BB, Schneider, V, Venner, CH & Poll, G 2021, 'Two-dimensional generalized non-Newtonian EHL lubrication: Shear rate-based solution versus shear stress-based solution', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol. 235, no. 12, pp. 2626-2639.
Meile, V, Tymkovych, M, Rusiecki, T, Nosova, Y, Pape, F, Poll, G, Glasmacher, B, Avrunin, O & Gryshkov, O 2021, 'Validation of a solvent-based process for the smoothing of additively manufactured 3D models of nasal cavities', Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 423-426.
Poll, G & Matus, MP 2021, Auswirkung stochastischer Strukturen in Gegenlaufflächen auf die Funktion von Radialwellendichtringen. in Forschungsheft 1463 der Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V.. Frankfurt.
Schneider, V, Liu, H, Bader, N, Furtmann, A & Poll, G 2021, 'Empirical formulae for the influence of real film thickness distribution on the capacitance of an EHL point contact and application to rolling bearings', Tribology International, vol. 154, 106714.,
Schöler, S, Heimes, N, Konopka, D, Behrens, BA, Poll, G & Möhwald, K 2021, Molybdenum Based Coatings on 100Cr6 Bearing Steel Surfaces. in Tagungsband 4. Niedersächsisches Symposium Materialtechnik. Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of materials research and engineering, vol. 10, 4. Symposium Materialtechnik, Germany, 25 Feb 2021. <>
Schwack, F, Schneider, V, Wandel, S, de la Presilla, RJ & Glavatskih, S 2021, 'On the critical amplitude in oscillating rolling element bearings', Tribology International, vol. 163, 107154.,
Bader, NF & Poll, G 2020, Investigation of Traction Experiment Set Up on the Resulting Traction Curves and Fluid Properties Derived from such Measurements. in 61. Tribologie Fachtagung 2020, 61. Tribologie-Fachtagung 2020 Reibung, Schmierung und Verschleiß, Forschung und praktische Anwendungen, Gesellschaft für Tribologie e.V.
Bauer, F, Poll, G, Schiefer, F & Matus, MP 2020, Erkennen und Bewerten von schädlichen Strukturen auf RWDR-Gegenlaufflächen. in Forschungsheft 1386 der Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V..
Behrens, BA, Maier, HJ, Poll, G, Wriggers, P, Aldakheel, F, Klose, C, Nürnberger, F, Pape, F, Böhm, C, Chugreeva, A, Coors, T, Duran, D, Thürer, SE, Herbst, S, Hwang, JI, Matthias, T, Heimes, N & Uhe, J 2020, 'Numerical investigations regarding a novel process chain for the production of a hybrid bearing bushing', Production Engineering, vol. 14, no. 5-6, pp. 569-581.
Breidenstein, B, Denkena, B, Krödel, A, Prasanthan, V, Poll, G, Pape, F & Coors, T 2020, 'Production-related surface and subsurface properties and fatigue life of hybrid roller bearing components', Metals, vol. 10, no. 10, 1339, pp. 1-17.
Coors, T, Pape, F & Poll, G 2020, Concept for enhancing machine elements by residual stresses and tailored forming. in Proceedings - 26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, IAMOT 2017. 26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, IAMOT 2017, International Association for Management of Technology Conference (IAMOT) and the Graduate School of Technology Management, University of Pretoria, pp. 1792-1802, 26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference, IAMOT 2017, Vienna, Austria, 14 May 2017.
Coors, T, Saure, F, Mildebrath, M, Pape, F, Hassel, T & Poll, G 2020, Herstellung von Großwälzlagern durch Stahl-Stahl-Werkstoffsysteme: Conference: 23. Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover .
Coors, T, Mildebrath, M, Büdenbender, C, Saure, F, Faqiri, MY, Kahra, C, Prasanthan, V, Chugreeva, A, Matthias, T, Budde, L, Pape, F, Nürnberger, F, Hassel, T, Hermsdorf, J, Overmeyer, L, Breidenstein, B, Denkena, B, Behrens, BA, Maier, HJ & Poll, G 2020, 'Investigations on tailored forming of aisi 52100 as rolling bearing raceway', Metals, vol. 10, no. 10, 1363, pp. 1-19.