Institut für Maschinenkonstruktion und Tribologie Studium
Bachelor-/ Studien-/ Masterarbeit "Tribological Testing of MoO3 Coatings: From Apparatus Development to Wear Behavior Analysis"


Bachelor-/ Studien-/ Masterarbeit "Tribological Testing of MoO3 Coatings: From Apparatus Development to Wear Behavior Analysis"

Tribological studies involve analyzing the interaction of surfaces under different conditions. Only by systematic and holistic research can the behavior of the interacting bodies be understood. Given the potential of new solid lubricants to reduce wear and friction under high pressure and consequently contribute to a greener world, it is important to study this novel technology under continuous sliding conditions. In previous studies, Molybdenum Trioxide – a promising coating technology - has shown good sliding characteristics under sliding oscillatory conditions.

The subject of this bachelor’s thesis is the creation and development of a new pin-on-disc tribometer – a mechatronic device used to evaluate the friction, wear, and lubrication properties of materials under continuous sliding conditions by pressing a stationary pin against a rotating disc. For this purpose, an open hardware apparatus will be used as a basis, mechanical improvements will be studied and implementation of additional sensors will be considered. Tests with a MoO3 coating to compare it with bearing steel will open the door to discovering the tribological mechanisms behind the good wear and friction behavior of MoO3 coatings applied on bearing steel.

The research questions that should be answered are: 1. Is there an influence of time on the friction and wear behavior of MoO3 coating? 2. Is there a difference in the tribological behavior of MoO3 coatings between oscillating and continuous sliding tests? 

The following work steps are to be carried out in detail:

  • Literature research on contact mechanics and tribology;
  • 3D printing and mounting of the pin-on-disc tribometer;
  • Verification of the test results against literature;
  • Creation of a test plan and methodology to compare the behavior of MoO3 coating and bearing steel under continuous sliding conditions;
  • Documentation of the procedures and apparatus, and report, assessment and discussion of the results.


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Ricardo Martins, M. Sc.
Telefon: +49 511 762 3691